It is absolutely shameful that Christians do not promote JESUS as fervently as people promote their preferred presidential candidate. Neither candidate is going to rescue America from the downward trajectory we're on. Nothing less than a national return to the Living God will save this country from destruction. The fuse has long since been lit by a collective spirit of rebellion, depravity, false pride, rejection of God, love of self, and complacent Christianity. Repentance, on an individual and a national level, joined with a sincere return to the Living God is America's only hope.

Psalm 53:1 (KJV)

"THE fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."


Romans 1:22 (KJV)

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.          - Proverbs 18:13 (KJV)

Same wisdom in a more modern vernacular:

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."          - Albert Einstein

Genesis 9 details the true meaning of God's rainbow.  This God-given token of the covenant between God and all of His creation has been hi-jacked and is being portrayed as a symbol of perversion and rebellion that God has clearly declared an abomination against Him. It is no accident that the Rainbow was chosen as the symbol for human sexual perversion. Misrepresenting this beautiful token of the covenant between God and His creation is another satanic ploy to counterfeit and twist that which God has created. Satan cannot create anything, so he takes what God has created and perverts it. [continue reading...]

Jesus warned His disciples, "Take heed that no man deceive you." This same warning applies to us. The average person has access to more [continue reading...]

One of the most heartbreaking deceptions of our time is the claim that abortion is not the murder of a human being. God made it clear in His word that He is the giver of life and human life begins at the moment of conception. That is not up for debate. We have a society and a government that claims abortion is "health care" and that it is a "right". No, it is not health care. Pulling a defenseless, unborn baby apart, limb from limb, is absolutely NOT "health care". It is murder and murder is not a "right". American culture today accepts abortion as a means of birth control. Make no mistake about it, child sacrifice did not end with the Pagan nations in the Old Testament. It continues today under the banner of "health care" and "bodily autonomy". It is just as satanic today as it was in Old Testament times. Our government and a growing segment of our society promote, defend, applaud and fund it without remorse. [continue reading...]

While America is not mentioned in the Bible, chapter one in the book of Romans bears a striking resemblance to the current state of our nation. Contrary to what some would have you believe, this country was founded upon Christian principles and prospered greatly as a result. However, we have allowed God to be removed from our schools, public spaces, and from our society as a whole so as not to "offend" anyone. We allowed this as if it is perfectly fine to offend God, our Creator, just so long as we do not offend anyone who has chosen to reject Him. Based on the current state of chaos, confusion and unrelenting deception permeating our country today, I believe God has removed His hand of protection from this country and we are now a nation that has been given over. [continue reading...]

We live in a world that is growing more hostile to Jesus by the day. There is no neutrality in this battle. Each of us [continue reading...]

Too often people mistakenly believe that, since God has not struck them down because of their sin and rebellion, He does [continue reading...]

Luke 12:54-56 gives an admonishment against being able to discern everyday things like the weather, while remaining oblivious [continue reading...]

We are not strong enough in and of ourselves to battle the spiritual forces that oppose us. If we are to be able to stand against the evil schemes of the [continue reading...]

We are surrounded by deception all day, every day. We live in a society that embraces it. The only way to defend ourselves against [continue reading...]

The Scriptures declare the deity of Jesus. He laid aside the glory He had in heaven to come down to earth and give His life [continue reading...]

John 10:17-18 makes it clear that no one took Jesus' life from Him. He voluntarily laid His life down on the cross. Jesus willingly [continue reading...]