
It's been over 5 years since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and allegedly committed suicide, and his client list still has not been made public. During this time, we have had a Republican President and a Democrat President. Yet STILL no client list. A list of his associates has been made public but it is not considered to be a list of his clients. Why is it that his list of paying pedophile clientele still has not been made public? Why aren't those pedophiles on that list facing any charges?? It has been said repeatedly that Epstein was known to video his clientele in very compromising situations, so there should be no lack of evidence to substantiate criminal charges.

This man was ridiculously wealthy and ran with Presidents and Princes. Who is the government protecting by keeping that client list under wraps? Certainly not the victims - past, present, or future.

Stop kidding yourself. Your government has zero integrity. It is a massive, uncontrollable beast, feeding off the blood, sweat, and tears of gullible Americans. It does not matter which "side" is in control. They are both controlled by the same puppet master. 

Think about it... WHO is your government protecting by keeping that pedophile client list under wraps???

Your government does not love you. Wake up.


I had a brief conversation with a man a couple of weeks ago that has stayed with me. He made mention of a house in this community that has signs in the yard supporting Donald Trump for President in 2024. He suggested I let those people know Trump is a draft dodger. As I had no interest in being his message girl or discussing politics with this man, I told him that I didn't care about that. He responded with a sanctimonious, "Well, I do because I saw nine men get killed right in front of me." I don't doubt that and I'm sure he witnessed a number of atrocities during his time in the military. As this was a two-way conversation, and considering his expressed concern for the fate of other human beings, I responded, "Then I'm sure you care about all the young lives permanently ruined through the left's pushing of the 'trans' agenda. You must also care a great deal about the millions of defenseless, unborn babies in America who are murdered, pulled apart piece by piece, for the sake of convenience." 

He suddenly looked a bit sheepish and mumbled that the government isn't doing that, it's just the people doing it (whatever that means, as if the government isn't made up of people). I told him that his government is absolutely promoting the murder of babies under the banner of "Health Care". He didn't have anything further to say at the time and quickly went on his way.

This man is voting for the future of this country based on nothing more than a personal grudge he carries with him. He clearly does not do any measure of research into the candidates to see what they actually stand for and plan to promote if given the opportunity. Abortion, the legalized murder of unborn babies is LITERALLY a key component of the Democratic platform in this fast-approaching election. They have put that in writing. It is declared, printed, promoted, published, public information. And this man, in all his virtue signaling, sanctimonious glory, has no clue because the grudge he carries is his sole deciding factor. 

Unfortunately,  he's probably somewhat representative of the vast majority of voters in this country in that no real research is involved. This man is still living in a by-gone era with no hint of understanding of what the political machine he supports is actually planning for the country he so proudly went to combat for. I just shake my head in saddened disbelief every time I reflect on that interaction.


Take a look at a meme that the all-wise, ever-benevolent arbitors of truth and decency at Facebook felt the need to place a Warning ⚠️ Label on:







There is no need for me to comment further on this matter. It speaks volumes just as it is.